luni, 2 iulie 2012

Team Fortress 2

1337gaminggirls: Photo sessions in Team Fortress 2: De astazi inauguram "Photo sessions in Team Fortress 2", un post saptamanal cu cele mai reusite screenshoot-uri din Team Fortress 2 (astepta...

joi, 10 februarie 2011

Doamne... Du-ma acolo!

Can Sleep, Lake Skanderborg, Denmark
Beer lovers of the world unite here for a full-immersion experience: drinking by day and sleeping in a giant beer can by night.

The Hobbit Motel, Woodlyn Park, Waitomo, New Zealand
The motel has a warm and homely feel. The world’s first hobbit Motel started as the only motel with a U –Drive Jet course. Later Billy Blacks Kiwi Cultural show attracted and amazed people from all around the globe.

Magic Mountain Hotel, Panguipulli, Region X, Chile
Magic Mountain Hotel is located within the Natural Reserve Huilo Huilo. The Lodge was built using exclusively local wood and has a very unique architectural style similar to a volcano. The cozy 9 superior rooms are decorated in a warm natural and pleasant mountain style. Additionally the lodge offers 10 rustic log-cabins. The general facilities include a cozy restaurant that prepares local specialties, bar, natural tree trunk hot tub, sauna, mini-golf court and internet access.

Kumbuk River Resort, Buttala, Sri Lanka
Made famous by its massive two-story primary villa in the shape of an elephant, this eco-lodge is situated on the banks of a lively river on the edge of Yala, Sri Lanka’s premier wildlife sanctuary. Sri Lanka’s premier wildlife sanctuary. While you can sleep in the elephant’s belly, the resort also features two other chalets for larger groups.

The Gamirasu Cave Hotel, Turkey
Some people pay to sleep in a cave. The Gamirasu Cave "used to be a Byzantine monastic retreat, dated to about 1,000 years old". Now, visitors can sleep where the monks slept, in a cool Turkish cave.

Goldfish Hotel at Amsterdam airport
This bizarre hotel is not for you, it’s for your goldfish. Billed as the world’s first goldfish hotel, it sits in the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and fish owners can drop off their scaly pets for the duration of their vacation, The five-sea-star hotel includes a tennis court, a beach with beach guard and a pool with slide.
Les Roulottes de la Serve, Provence, France
Gypsy circus performers once traveled through the countryside in the three restored caravans that now welcome guests.

Wigwam Motel, San Bernardino, California, USA
This motel on Route 66 feels less like a place one might commune with Native Americans and more like something from the set of a Mad Men-inspired, late-1950s road trip.

Suoi Tien Park, Vietnam
Located on a sacred site, this righteous park is meant to simulate Buddhist heaven. Filled with godlike statues (a one-acre-round giant frog, a 300-ton dragon head), it also features an aquarium, 1,500 crocodiles (symbols of victory) and a Secrets of the Sorcerers Jungle, where visitors encounter evil ogres, monsters and larger-than-life scorpions (symbols of transformation). Unicorn Palace may sound innocuous, but the mythic creatures are actually gatekeepers to the underworld. The freezing dungeon-like complex includes screams, murder tableaux and repentant tourists.

Hotel Kakslauttanen, Finland
It’s hard enough to pronounce “Kakslauttanen” while sober—don’t even think about attempting it after a shot of Finlandia vodka. We do, however, recommend a few glasses of the stuff to keep warm while staying at this Finnish resort near the North Pole.

Free Spirit Spheres, Vancouver Island, Canada
This five-acre property in an old-growth forest consists of three pods (made of cedar, spruce, or fiberglass, respectively) suspended 10 to 15 feet in the air and accessed by staircases that wind around the trees.

Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi, UAE
The first Ferrari theme park will also be the world’s largest indoor park, the world’s fastest roller coaster, as well as the world’s biggest Ferrari logo. Fans can race each other in Ferrari F430 Spider replicas. (There’s a computer override option for overzealous drivers.)

BonBon-Land, Denmark
Named after a popular line of Danish candies, this 33-acre amusement park in southern Denmark is rife with depictions of bodily functions—vomiting rats, lactating cows and urinating ants. The disgusting animal theme may be tied directly to the candy names like “bird droppings” and “dead flies”, but the park’s rides are definitely family-friendly. After all, 6-year-olds do have a great appreciation for bathroom humor.

Harry Potter Theme Park, Orlando, Florida

The “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey” attraction is set inside Hogwarts castle overlooking the park. Guests will enter through the main gates to explore the grounds and interior of the castle. The most obvious signs of Wizarding World construction are the towering steeples of Hogwarts Castle rising triumphantly into the sky.

Islands of Adventure guests will soon be entering those castle gates for an opportunity to explore eerily familiar passageways, classrooms and corridors.

From there, they can visit the many shops of Hogsmeade to experience and purchase items from popular Wizarding World destinations such as the Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes and Ollivanders.

Staying true to the thrills and excitement of the theme park, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter will also feature a variety of pulse-pounding rides like Dragon Challenge, the Forbidden Journey and Flight of the Hippogriff.
Each of these rides and other magic filled attractions will help bring the characters and stories of Harry Potter to life.

luni, 27 decembrie 2010

Ghidul prostului

Cand mergea pe la intruniri sau mai stiu eu ce mese rotunde etc, fostul presedinte american George W. Bush isi pregatea temeinic lectiile... Uneori. Alteori o dadea in bara. Grav. De exemplu, s-a intalnit, la un moment dat, cu regina Marii Britanii, care, Dumnezeu sa o ajute, este inca in viata. Juniorul Bush s-a intors putin in timp si a spus, cu gura lui mare, in public, ca Elisabeta a II-a, care statea langa el in acel moment, a trait, de fapt, in secolul al XVIII-lea
. Huh?

Bush avea mari probleme cu pronuntia. Nu-i un secret. Eu il apar - omul cat traieste invata! Transcrierea fonetica a numelui lui Sarkozy, omologul sau de la sefia Frantei, o avea scrisa mereu pe o hartiuta. Desi erau prieteni si liderul de la Palatul Elysee l-a vizitat de multe ori, Bush nu prea retinea numele de familie al presedintelui francez si prefera sa-i spuna Nicolas. Avea insa cu el hartiuta pe care scria SAR-COO-ZIII ca sa nu fie intrebat si el sa nu stie sa raspunda cum se numeau stramosii presedintelui francez.

La fel a facut si cu zimbabwanul Robert Mugabe, al carui nume - sa recunoastem - e mai greu de pronuntat in limba engleza (MU-GA-BEEEE).

miercuri, 15 decembrie 2010

Dilema de parlamentar

Povestea povestilor” de Ion Creanga le-a pus probleme deputatilor din Comisia de Cultura a Deputatilor din Parlamentul Romaniei, ei nestiind daca aceasta este sau nu „un act de cultura”. Deputatii s-au intalnitiastazi pentru a dezbate un proiect de lege in care se arata ca televiziunile generaliste vor fi obligate sa difuzeze saptamanal cel putin 120 de minute de emisiuni culturale sau educative, in timp ce posturile de stiri trebuie sa transmita in fiecare saptamana 30 de minute de astfel de programe.

Dar ce este o emisiune de cultura? - Deputatul PDL Teodora Trandafir s-a intrebat, pe buna dreptate: „Noi vorbim despre cultura, iar realizatorii din care eu fac parte inca sufleteste nu inteleg ce au de facut sau nu vor sau nu pot fi contransi in niciun fel (...) Unde e cultura si unde nu e, ca nu pricep?”

Replica i-a venit de la Madalin PSD Voicu, care a dat repede vina pe americani:

„Asta pentru ca am luat reteta americana unde «fuck» este in fiecare propozitie”. Madalin PSD Voicu a ridicat problema cunoscutei povesti a povestilor a lui Ion Creanga. „Poate fi ea citita de un mare actor in cadrul unei emisiuni de cultura?" - intrebarea i-a blocat pe colegii deputati. Intr-un final, dupa un timp in care nimeni n-a inteles aproape nimic, deputatul independent Mircea Irimescu a spus ca nu poate fi contestat ca „Povestea povestilor” face parte dintre capodoperele literaturii romane. Ceea ce trebuie citit printre randuri este ca oricat ar fi o poveste a povestilor, ea nu va ajunge niciodata pe micile ecrane decat in limita unui anumit interval orar si intotdeauna insotita de binecunoscuta bulinuta 15+.

Potrivit legislatiei audiovizualului, emisiunile care contin limbaj vulgar trebuie sa fie difuzate astfel incat sa nu afecteze dezvoltarea fizica, psihica sau morala a copiilor. In mod concret, articolul 21 din Codul de reglementare a continutului audiovizual prevede faptul ca: „(1) Pot fi difuzate numai in intervalul orar 23.00 - 6.00 productiile audiovizuale care prezinta, in mod repetat: b) scene de sex sau cu conotatie sexuala, limbaj obscen”.

Multumesc: Mediafax si G a m e c r e a t u r e Deviantart